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Take a moment and ponder this quote. What do you long for? What is important to you?
The answer to this question can help you define what you should strive for in life. This can inspire you to make a drastic change in your life, or it could prompt you to make small adjustments to your life to make more space for the experiences you long for.
In this book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani challenges the beliefs that are passed down in our society. He outlines 10 laws to redefine how you approach relationships, goals, happiness, and more. I highly recommend this if you’re looking for a new lens on various aspects of your life.
Similar to challenging your thinking, one thing we strive to do with this blog is challenge your definition of wealth. I want you to expand wealth beyond just money, to include the wealth you can accumulate in relationships, health, and happiness.
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