“Money Talks, Wealth Whispers” is a common saying when it comes to money, but what is the meaning of wealth whispers?
“Money Talks, Wealth Whispers” is saying that true wealth is quiet. Those who are truly wealthy don’t feel the need to flaunt it or show off. They are secure in their position, and their wealth shows in very quiet ways.
Let’s expand in this by exploring the two parts of the saying.
First Off, What is Wealth?
When we think of wealth, our first thought is often money.
But wealth can be so much more than that. Wealth is defined as an abundance of valuable posessions or money.
Valuable possessions expand so much further than money, and can also include non-material things. You can have a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of experience, wealth of relationships, wealth of freedom, wealth of health, and more. The truly wealthy are not just looking at the money, they’re looking at what the money means to them, and how it can create more wealth in the other important areas. And much of this true wealth is what you don’t see. You don’t see the meaningful relationships, or the excellent health, or the knowledge and experience.
These non-monetary forms of wealth are much quieter. You don’t see the love the person feels, or how energized they are due to their healthy lifestyle, or the freedom they have over their calendar. But these are the things that bring true fulfilment.
Expand your definition of wealth to encompass both the monetary aspect, and the non-monetary aspect.
What is the Meaning of Money Talks?
Money talks (or also seen as money shouts) means that when people starting making money, they are desparate to impress others.
When people get a taste of money, they are often quick to splurge on things that make them look rich. These things aren’t helping them build further wealth, but rather are trying to buy status.
Think of the people who immediately upon joining the workforce starting driving a foreign car. Or the people that post photos of their lavish vacation to show how well they’re doing. Oftentimes, this presents a skewed image of their financial situation, and they’re spending all their money on these material things to impress others. Resist this urge to impress others as soon as you have a bit of money to spend. This impulsive spending is going to prevent you from reaching that true wealth.
Spending to impress others is a fool’s game, and will hold you back from building the wealth you’re trying to embody. Though in the short term, you may be able to convey the image of wealth, you’ll be playing a constant game of catch-up. You will never be able to buy your way to the wealth you want.
So remind yourself, you don’t need to be loud or flashy, but rather are quietly working towards something bigger.
What is the Meaning of Wealth Whispers?
When you truly have wealth, you don’t need to tell others, they know.
When you are financially secure and have built wealth, your actions will quietly convey the message to others. And not needing to tell others means that you will be able to stay wealthy, rather than spending to impress.
Imagine yourself 10 years from now, having the wealth you’re looking for. You have the freedom to do what you want to do, not what you do to impress others. You can spend your money on vacations for you and your family, high quality items that will improve your quality of life, or to buy more time freedom. None of these things are flashy, but those who appreciate wealth will pick up on these and recognize what you’re donig. If you focus on spending to impress others, you’re going to waste your money on things you don’t want, to impress people you don’t care about.
The meaning of wealth whispers is that those who are secure in their wealth make the right decisions to stay wealthy, and the true signs of wealth aren’t loud or flashy. Think about Warren Buffett, one of the richest people on earth, who drives his cars for 10 years and still lives in the home he bought 50 years ago. He’s investing his time and money into building his wealth, rather than squandering it on things to impress others.
Focus on what you’re doing, and quietly build the life and wealth that you want – don’t worry about impressing others.
Live by the Meaning of Wealth Whispers
The meaning of wealth whispers is that true wealth is unspoken.
It’s the freedom to do what you want to do, and to buy the things you want. It does not need to be shouted from the rooftops to people you don’t care about. But rather it’s the ability to direct your money into expanding your wealth, and energy into the things that are truly important to you.
So next time you’re tempted to make a purchase to impress others, think about if that’s the way you want to live your life.