The theme of October reading was stories. I read a lot of different books on fiction and non-fiction stories. As always, I also snuck in some books around psychology and mindset as well. Here are my top books of October 2023.
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Ray Dalio – Finished October 14th, 2023
I’ve been wanting to read this book for a very long time, and I finally got the chance. Ray Dalio is the founder and served as the CEO of Bridgewater Investments, and build a remarkable company. From this, he’s gather years of knowledge and learning, and this book brings the principles he’s developed to you. This book really inspired me to define my own principles, and has prompted me to start to keep track of my own best practices. Highly recommend this to help build your own standard operating procedures.

Outliers: The Story of Success
Malcolm Gladwell – Finished October 28th, 2023
This is a book I come back to every couple years. I find Malcolm Gladwell’s exploration of where success comes from fascinating. He outlines how success not only comes from hard work, there is also a lot of luck and circumstance involved. It also demonstrates the compounding effects of experience and learning. This is a great book that will both inform and entertain
Christopher Paolini – Finished October 21st, 2023
If you read my recommendations from last month, you know I’ve been re-reading the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. This book caps off the series, and ties the entire story together. I love this series, and would recommend to anyone who wants to relax with a great story.

Here is the remaining books I read in October 2023:
- Eldest – Christopher Paolini
- Brisingr – Christopher Paolini
- I’m Glad My Mom Died – Jennette McCurdy
- HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication, Vol. 2 – Harvard Business Review
- Lost in the Valley of Death: A Story of Obsession and Danger in the Himalayas – Harley Rustad
There you have it, my books of October 2023. If you want to see more of what I’ve been reading check out my reading page, and sign up for the newsletter so you can get more book recommendations. You can also follow me on Pinterest to great quotes from books I’ve read. Also, let me know what you’re reading down below!
Wondering how I read so much? My biggest recommendation buy a kindle. Having a kindle means I can always have my books with me, and the kindle daily deals mean I can get great books for only a few dollars. It removes barriers to reading and helps me read so much more.