Top Books of July 2023

This month, I did a lot of reading on blogging and writing, trying to improve my craft. I also read a bit about coffee, plants, and, of course, mindset and finances. Here are my top books of July 2023.

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Dan Sullivan, Benjamin P. Hardy – Finished July 3rd, 2023

Rating: 5 out of 5.

This is the second Dan Sullivan Book I’ve read (with the first being The Gap and The Gain – also a great read), and I love the way he challenges your mindset. In Who Not How, he outlines that often we approach problems through a “how do I solve this” lens, rather than a “who can help me solve this” lens. This definitely resonated with me, as I often get fail to take action because I don’t know how to do something, when instead I should look for the right person. It also emphasized the value of outsourcing. We often focus on the cost of hiring someone for a job, rather than the value they are bringing. And by bringing them in you can get to a new level.

Books of 2023 - Who Not How

Books of July 2023 - Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Walter Isaacson – Finished July 16th, 2023

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

I have heard great things about Walter Isaacson (especially his book on Steve Jobs), and I finally got a taste myself. This is a long read, but I never got sick of it. It was laid out really interestingly, telling the stories of each of da Vinci’s paintings and work, rather than following his life chronologically. This meant you could get the whole story on his most historic works, and understand how they fit into his life. I was also inspired by da Vinci’s incessant pursuit of knowledge and how he wasn’t afraid to follow his curiosities – it encourages me to delve into what interests me.

Nicolas Cole – Finished July 19th, 2023

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I am obsessed with continuous improvement, and reading this book was centered at improving my writing. It was really interesting to understand how he writes for online audiences. He made me realize that you are competing for attention with anything else on the web, so you need to make content worth ingesting. It also suggested specific formats and structures to aid readers as they go through your writing. If you are interested in writing online, I definitely recommend this read.

Books of July 2023 - The Art and Business of Online Writing

Here is the remaining books I read in July 2023:

There you have it, my books of July 2023. If you want to see more of what I’ve been reading check out my reading page, and sign up for the newsletter so you can get more book recommendations. Also, let me know what you’re reading down below!

Wondering how I read so much? My biggest recommendation buy a kindle. Having a kindle means I can always have my books with me, and the kindle daily deals mean I can get great books for only a few dollars. It removes barriers to reading and helps me read so much more.


Joel is a Consultant and Engineer with a wealth of experience in mindset, wealth building, and productivity. He is a passionate lifelong learner and an avid reader, devouring over 100 books per year on topics such as personal development, financial management, productivity, and health. He has used a variety of financial tools including investing in stocks and private funds, GICs, high-interest savings accounts, and more. His unwavering commitment to constantly improving his own life has enabled him to build a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in these areas, making him a credible and reliable source of advice and guidance for those seeking to transform their own lives.

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