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When it comes to having the right thinking about money, the money mindset habits you build help keep you on track.
Once you’ve established the right money mindsets, the actions you take on a regular basis are what reinforce the proper ways of thinking. Having the right habits will make sure the mindsets stick, and serving you in your pursuit of wealth generation. If you are taking the right actions, you’ll put the wind at your back.
Building wealth is a long-term pursuit, but by having your ways of thinking, habits, and actions all aligned, your effort can compound.
Money Mindset Habits
If you haven’t already, you need to make sure you have built the right money mindsets. From there, the following money mindset habits will strengthen your hold on the right ways of thinking.
Observe Your Thinking Patterns
So much of our thinking happens subconsciously, but what if I told you you could take control of it?
In The Little Book of Stoicism, Jonas Salzgeber states that:
Potentially, there’s a small gap between stimulus and response. The power lies in that gap. The freedom of choice lies in that gap.
Jonas Salzgeber
The reason he says “potentially,” is because if you aren’t aware, the gap won’t exist. In your life, you need to be aware of your thinking, such that you can catch that moment between stimulus and response. This will allow you to observe what your default thinking is, and then gives you the power to change it. When it comes to money mindset, part of establishing a good money mindset is replacing harmful beliefs with ones that serve you. By observing the gap between stimulus and response, you can either identify harmful beliefs, or make a decision to apply a belief that serves you.
Taking this opportunity allows you to establish and reinforce the right ways of thinking. Once these good money mindsets are established, they’ll start to become the default. And your mindsets are the foundation of the actions you take in the pursuit of wealth.
Open up your awareness and start looking for the gap today.
Build Gratitude into Your Daily Life
Taking time to be thankul is a money mindset habit that will reinforce all the beliefs you’ve been working on.
By practicing gratitude, you can direct your energy towards the things that bring you joy. This is helpful for building an abundance mindset, which is key for building wealth. Gratitude also can increase your happiness, and make the pursuit of wealth much more fulfilling.
Being thankful for what you have helps to keep you on the right path.
Celebrate Your Wins
By celebrating your wins and acknowledging your accomplishments, you can increase your motivation.
We often lean into our goals, but ignore how far we come. Focusing on the gap between where you are and where you want to be can be discouraging, and put in a position of perpetual unhappiness. By taking the time to acknowledge the gains you’ve made, it can encourage you to keep moving and help you reach new heights.
Find a way to celebrate both small and big accomplishments in your life.
Revisit and Update Your Goals
Setting goals is great, but it’s important that you regularly review and update your goals.
Reviewing the goals you’ve set helps keep you inspired, and ensures you’re actions are aligned with the direction you want to go. But goals are not static. As you grow and develop, you may find that goals need to updated. You may find that your goals no longer reflect what’s important to you, and they should be updated. If you don’t update them, they’ll be meaningless to you.
Review your goals so you can keep your actions in line with what you want, and update them to ensure they reflect what’s important.
Summary – Money Mindset Habits
Having the right habits ensures that you can maintain and upgrade your money mindset.
Find a way to incorporate the following habits into you life:
- Observe your thinking patterns
- Practice gratitude
- Celebrate your wins
- Revisit and update your goals
Developing a good mindset ensures your thinking, habits, and actions are aligned in your pursuit of wealth.