Minimalists Don’t Mind Missing Out on Small Things – Digital Minimalism

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…minimalists don’t mind missing out on small things; what worries them much more is diminishing the large things they already know for sure make a good life good. 

Cal Newport – Digital Minimalism

The core of this quote explains that in life, often less is more. In the book this quote comes from, Cal Newport emphasizes that though technology can play an important role in our life, it’s important to recognize where it brings value, and where it takes away from the things in our life that we already know are valuable.

For example, by cultivating shallow relationships on Facebook, you may be taking time from activities that truly bring connection. By trying to impress others on Instagram, you may be distracting yourself from the things that truly bring joy.

In life, it’s important to prioritize – be willing to drop the little things in favour for the big stuff that truly matters.

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Joel is a Consultant and Engineer with a wealth of experience in mindset, wealth building, and productivity. He is a passionate lifelong learner and an avid reader, devouring over 100 books per year on topics such as personal development, financial management, productivity, and health. He has used a variety of financial tools including investing in stocks and private funds, GICs, high-interest savings accounts, and more. His unwavering commitment to constantly improving his own life has enabled him to build a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in these areas, making him a credible and reliable source of advice and guidance for those seeking to transform their own lives.

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