How to Develop Money Mindsets

How to develop money mindsets

Your mind is more powerful than you can ever imagine.

It controls how you perceive the world, and influences your actions. Though it may feel like you’re controlled by your mind, you can also control your mind, and adjust the way you think. When pursuing wealth, having the right money mindsets is key, and it’s up to you to train your brain with those money mindsets.

So let’s explore how to develop money mindsets, guiding you on your pursuit of wealth.

Why Money Mindset Matters

Your brain controls everything, and when it comes to money, how your think will affect your beliefs, perceptions, and ultimately your actions.

You may think you’re in control of your actions, but the subconscious part of your brain will take shortcuts based on how your thinking has been wired. This means that you could be taking actions that aren’t aligned with your pursuit of wealth, or worse – self-sabotaging. It’s crucial that you recognize where your mindsets aren’t serving you, and rewire to think in a way that is aligned with your goals.

Getting your mindsets aligned with your goals will put the wind at your back, and make the pursuit of wealth much easier.

How to Develop Money Mindsets

When learning how to develop money mindsets, you need to recognize that it’s not going to happen overnight. But just like your wealth, you’re investing for the long-term, and the best time to start is today.

Developing the right money mindsets involves taking stock of your current thinking, and challenging beliefs that don’t serve you. From there, you can replace these beliefs with ones that do serve you, and manifest those beliefs to ingrain them into your subconscious brain.

Recognize Limiting Beliefs and Values

Your beliefs are often deeply ingrained, and you may not even realize them. But they can have a profound affect on your life.

Your beliefs and values are often created when you are a child, and may be hard to recognize. They could be things like “rich people are evil” or “being wealthy means I don’t spend time with my family.” These internal dialogues can be harmful in your pursuit of wealth, and it’s important you start to pay attention to them. Take some time to list some of your core beliefs when it comes to money. You won’t be able to identify them all immediately, but once you open your mind up to them they will start to surface.

Once you’ve got a list, make note of the ones that don’t serve you and that you’d like to change.

Challenge Beliefs That Don’t Serve You

Once you’ve identified the beliefs that aren’t serving you, you need to convince your mind that they aren’t true.

For each limiting belief, make a list of things you’ve seen in your life that disprove that. So for the belief that “rich people are evil,” you may list your wealthy neighbour who donates to community projects, or the wealthy person who uses their influence to advance environmental initiatives. You can also think think about how this belief is hampering you to increase the need in your mind to change it.

Once you recognize how these beliefs are harming you and use examples to disprove them, they will start to get dislodged from your mind.

Find Beliefs to Replace Them

Now that your limiting beliefs are becoming more loosely held, you need to fill that space with the right money mindsets.

You can peruse articles or online forums for beliefs that resonate with you, or you can brainstorm on your own. For example, with the “rich people are evil” belief, you may replace that with “becoming wealthy will enable me to support causes that are important to me.” What’s critical here is that the beliefs are aligned with your personal values – this will help them stick.

The right money mindsets will help align your actions to your goals.

Manifest the New Beliefs

Once you’ve identified these new beliefs, you need to reinforce these thinking pathways.

Your subconscious mind looks for the path of least resistance, and the more you manifest a belief, the stronger the neural pathway will become. Continuously look for proof and reinforcement for your new beliefs in your daily life. And look for opportunities to consciously use that belief to influence your actions.

This won’t be a linear path, and there will be periods where you slide back to your old beliefs. But by keeping with it, you can establish this new way of thinking.

How to Develop Money Mindsets – Summary

Your mindset is key to achieving your goals.

But the way you think can be acting against you. Here’s how to develop money mindsets and establish a better way of thinking:

  • Recognize limiting beliefs and values
  • Challenge beliefs that don’t serve you
  • Find beliefs to replace them, and
  • Manifest the new beliefs

This won’t happen all at once, but it will help you in the long term. You may also find that beliefs you didn’t know you held crop up later on.

By getting started today you are making your future self better.


Joel is a Consultant and Engineer with a wealth of experience in mindset, wealth building, and productivity. He is a passionate lifelong learner and an avid reader, devouring over 100 books per year on topics such as personal development, financial management, productivity, and health. He has used a variety of financial tools including investing in stocks and private funds, GICs, high-interest savings accounts, and more. His unwavering commitment to constantly improving his own life has enabled him to build a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in these areas, making him a credible and reliable source of advice and guidance for those seeking to transform their own lives.

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