Criticism and Advice – Limitless

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We’re very quick to take criticism to heart, but often don’t evaluate who the criticism is coming from.

When hearing criticism, it’s important to take a minute to consider if that is criticism worth taking action on. You can consider things such as:

  • Is this person credible on this topic? Would I go to them for advice?
  • Does this criticism specifically apply to me? Is it high priority?
  • Is the criticism valid?

We often skip over this part, and immediately take the criticism to heart. But when you go through the process of considering those items you will either discredit the criticism and realize it’s not worth taking action on, or you will realize it’s coming from a valuable source, and you’ll be thankful to receive this criticism.

Imagine you were out shopping with a friend who has a very different sense of style as you. You likely wouldn’t go to them for fashion advice, so their criticism on your outfits likely has a lot less validity as someone who you think has great style. This same ideology can be applied to other things as well such as work performance, public speaking, etc.

In his book, Limitless, Jim Kwik challenges you to flip your mindset. He shows you tools to improve motivation and build momentum. It’s a great read to get you thinking on ways to be better.

Similar to challenging your mindset, one thing we strive to do with this blog is challenge your definition of wealth. I want you to expand wealth beyond just money, to include the wealth you can accumulate in relationships, health, and happiness.

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Joel is a Consultant and Engineer with a wealth of experience in mindset, wealth building, and productivity. He is a passionate lifelong learner and an avid reader, devouring over 100 books per year on topics such as personal development, financial management, productivity, and health. He has used a variety of financial tools including investing in stocks and private funds, GICs, high-interest savings accounts, and more. His unwavering commitment to constantly improving his own life has enabled him to build a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in these areas, making him a credible and reliable source of advice and guidance for those seeking to transform their own lives.

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