Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are contracts where you deposit money with a bank or other financial institution for a period of time, in exchange for a guaranteed return (interest rate)....
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Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.Jim Kwik - Limitless We're very quick to take criticism to heart, but often don't evaluate who the criticism is coming from....
The truth is there’s nothing inherently good or bad about any emotion. Emotions just are. They’re simply reactions to a situation.Michael S. Sorensen - I Hear You Often, we jump to label...
I can be afraid and I can be brave at the same time.Justin Baldoni - Man Enough What defines bravery is not the absence of fear, but rather the actions you take in the face of fear. Justin...
What Would My Soul Crave? – The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
If time and money were no object and I did not have to seek anyone’s permission, what kinds of experiences would my soul crave?Vishen Lakhiani - The Code of the Extraordinary Mind Take a moment...
Is Your Internal Self-Worth Tied to the External? – Man Enough
...while driving a nice car might make me feel good, it’s also a Band-Aid that is temporarily covering up the larger problem: that my internal self-worth is still tied to the external. And when a...